Wildcatter Ranch - Trail running and horseback riding
Mythic Texas
In the North Texas Hill country, just 90 minutes northwest of Fort Worth, near Graham (''Ghost city'', refer to the photos below), Wildcatter Ranch is a place to go for a weekend.
You will find a combination of nature, sport, history and cowboy experience. The place is situated on 1,500 acres (607,02 hectares) of landscape without urban noise.
The ranch dates to 1870. Originally, it was a place of conflits with American Indians and cattle drives.
The ranch gives the opportunity to ride a horse through 25 miles of trail, to engage trail running (trail traced by colour : Green, Red, Black, Gold, Blue, Yellow, White). The trail courses are on rugged hill terrain with rocks, oat trees, cacti and groves. For your recovery, the ranch offers SPA and swimmingpool.
(Trail map)
(SPA and swimmingpool)
(View on the Brazos River)
(Cabin Suite)
(Cabin's patio)
(Close to the longhorn)
(Pump Oil still in use)
Graham ''Ghost city'' (9 minutes away from the ranch):
Nathalie,Running without Limits.
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